Saturday, January 4, 2014

2013? What happened there?!

As always happens at the end of the year, it's time to take stock of life, accomplishments, goals, and hope for the future.  A few years ago, as we headed into 2012, I made a New Year's resolution to be better about posting in the blog.  And I was....for 2012.  I haven't made a single post in 2013.  Why?  To make a long story short, life happened. I met the love of my life, expanded my jobs, got in a car accident, got a new car, reapplied for grad school (need that PhD!), traveled the country, and moved in with said love. I cannot regret anything that happened in 2013, because it was one of the best years of my life.  There's an expression in my family that seems appropriate at the moment- I am as happy as a clam!  (How do we know that clams are happy, by the way?)

Anyway, free time this last year was a premium.  I finished several bags and one quilt, but barely remembered to take pictures of them at all. Every weekend saw a family event, a concert, a football game, a party, or commitment, which makes crafting time very difficult to come by.  But for the first time in months and months, I have no commitments on the horizon!  Yahooooo! You have no idea how weird and wonderful that feels-I haven't had free weekends in recent memory.  I sense some quilting time coming soon...  Maybe.

In the meantime, let's consider what I did actually get done in 2013!

Zip wallets for my wonderful neighbor/Italian tour guide

Judy Niemeyer quilt with my mother

It gets more complicated yet!

Japanese Garden in Portland, OR

Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha- I LOVE GIRAFFES!

That's one bag.  Not kidding.

Tokyo Subway Quilt- 1.5" squares = Nightmare!

A wool pillow to remind myself...

Lunch bag for my brother

One of the most frustrating bags that exists...someday I'll admit to the horror of this bag.

Ok, so I guess I've done more than I thought.  Depending on how this grad school plan works out, I don't know what else I'll be sewing soon.  Thanks for bearing with me!